"Teaching Content Reading & Writing"
Martha Rapp Ruddell
John Wiley & Sons, 2008

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Link theory and practice to effectively teach today’s adolescents

With the passage of the ”No Child Left Behind” Act and increasing pressures on teachers to produce results, true literacy is no longer optional-all the more so in a technological world, where adolescent ”literacy” has become increasingly diverse and complex. In this new edition of Teaching Content Reading and Writing, Martha Rapp Ruddell provides you with the evidence-based theories and practices you need to rise to the demand of today's schools and to make decisions about the most effective ways to teach today’s learners.

Updated and revised in light of the evolving realities of adolescent lives and literacies, Teaching Content Reading and Writing, Fifth Edition offers a wealth of ready-to-implement ideas and features to help you achieve success in your classroom, including:
* Up-to-date discussions of adolescent literacies-including digital literacies such as iPods, podcasts, IM, and blogs
* Suggestions for content area instruction that supports the needs of all learners
* Centerpiece Lesson Plans that show you how to apply and adapt instructional strategies for specific content area lessons
* How To Do feature-step-by-step instructions you can use to plan lessons
* Creating Strategic Readers, Writers, and Learners-specific suggestions for helping your students take charge of their own learning and become confident learners
* Online Video Vignettes of real teachers teaching real students let you see how the strategies play out in the classroom
* Opening-chapter classroom scenarios, Double Entry Journal prompts, end-of-chapter What This Chapter Means to You, and other guides to connect what you learn to your own experience and classroom

CHAPTER 1: Literacy in Middle and Secondary Schools
CHAPTER 2: Literacy and Language Processes: Thinking, Reading, and Writing in First and Second Languages
CHAPTER 3: Evaluating Instructional Materials
CHAPTER 4: Comprehension Instruction in Content Areas
CHAPTER 5: Vocabulary Learning in Content Areas
CHAPTER 6: Teaching Bilingual/Bicultural Students in Multilingual/ Multicultural Settings
CHAPTER 7: Reading Across the Curriculum
CHAPTER 8: Writing Across The Curriculum
CHAPTER 9: Assessment of Student Progress in Subject Area Reading and Writing
CHAPTER 10: Diversity in the Classroom: Meeting the Needs of All Students
CHAPTER 11: Content Learning, Collaboration, and Literacy
CHAPTER 12: Developing Lifelong Readers and Writers